The Auxilium Faculty is an institution of excellence that develops and innovates in the areas of prevention and the holistic education of the person in order to train educational professionals, prepare lay people and religious in the new evangelization environment who are able to dialogue in intercultural and inter-religious settings, and empower women and young people.
To cultivate the talent to educate and train education professionals who are competent and passionate, the Auxilium Faculty is constantly engaged in innovating the training skills available and the strategies for teaching and learning, in order to ensure a holistic education in the field of the educational sciences.
The Auxilium Faculty participates in research in the international scientific community as an interlocutor for reflection in the area of pedagogical knowledge; it also establishes networks with other institutions and provides a specific, unique contribution to the education of women and young people.
The Auxilium Faculty gives special attention to the society in which it lives.
Along with its foundational goals of training and research by its faculty and students, it is committed to communicating and promoting pedagogical formation to sustain a culture of life. It understands its cultural mission as a presence "in the service of thought" in "pastoral care of the culture" and in "intellectual charity"; it offers its services in the "territories" in which it functions as a cultural reference centre for the study and promotion of education policies.
#AuxiliumLife is the strong sense of belonging, the team spirit, and the educational strength of the community to build together a welcoming environment that characterizes relationships; it is also a stimulus to live and study to attain the goal of a degree and actualize the dream of cultivating in ourselves and others the talent to educate.
Home > List Gallery > Terzo incontro: Corso Interdisciplinare «Uscire dai labirinti della violenza. La prevenzione e la protezione dei bambini dal maltrattamento»
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19/02/2011: Terzo incontro: Corso Interdisciplinare «Uscire dai labirinti della violenza. La prevenzione e la protezione dei bambini dal maltrattamento»